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astro300_f11:day10 [2011/10/23 01:03] – created a_leeastro300_f11:day10 [2011/10/24 01:05] (current) a_lee
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 +====== AY 300 Fall 2010: Tenth Day Plan ======
 +===== Goals =====
 +====== Section Sharing (20 min) ======
 +The person on call for this week will share their section experience. Some questions include:
 +   * What did you do? 
 +   * How did you implement your activities? 
 +   * What worked? 
 +   * What didn't work?
 +   * What would you do differently?
 +   * How did you assess learning?
 +   * Did you receive any unexpected questions/reactions/etc.?
 +   * Did anything unexpected happen?
 +   * What were you thinking about while you were running section? Any moments of panic?
 +====== Misconceptions (rest of class) ======
 +=== Free-Writing & Sharing (15 min) ===
 +   - Individually, define the word ``misconception".
 +   - Share and reach consensus as a class. 
 +=== A Private Universe (45 min) ===
 +   - Watch movie.
 +   - Discussion of movie.
 +=== Using common misconceptions as a teaching guide ===
 +=== How to avoid accidentally creating misconceptions ===