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astro300_f13:day12 [2013/11/07 00:15] – [Design-A-Section Assignment (30 minutes)] f.fornasiniastro300_f13:day12 [2013/11/07 01:14] (current) – [Design-A-Section Assignment (30 minutes)] a_lee
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 ====General Takeaways==== ====General Takeaways====
-   blah +   Students do come into a class with misconceptions related to the course material and how to learn/approach it. 
-   blah+   Thinking about misconceptions as a misapplication of student resources can be useful in helping to address misconceptions. 
 +   - Students not only have conceptual resources but epistemological ones as well.
 =====Section Recap (20 minutes)===== =====Section Recap (20 minutes)=====
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 A reminder on what Design-A-Section entails: A reminder on what Design-A-Section entails:
-This project is meant to be a culmination of everything that we have learned together in Ay375. It is a means for you to develop a "significant learning experience" for your (possibly hypothetical) students, and will involve a mini-lecture, activity, and method of assessment that targets a particular topic and your learning objectives. At the beginning of December, you'll be given a ~15 minute presentation that showcases your work.  +This project is meant to be a culmination of everything that we have learned together in Ay375. It is a means for you to develop a "significant learning experience" for your (possibly hypothetical) students, and will involve a mini-lecture, activity, and method of assessment that targets a particular topic and your learning objectives. On December 4, you'll be giving a ~15 minute presentation that showcases your work.  This presentation should include a 5-10 minute lecture, a description of the section activity that would accompany the lecture, any handouts/worksheets you would provide to your students, and a statement of your learning objectives and how you would assess them.
 For homework last week, we asked you to consider some topics that you might want to develop a section around. Today, we want to spend a little time discussing this project and outlining the first milestone you'll work on this week. For homework last week, we asked you to consider some topics that you might want to develop a section around. Today, we want to spend a little time discussing this project and outlining the first milestone you'll work on this week.
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 **Milestone 1** **Milestone 1**
-We want to create a "significant learning experience," and this capstone project will get us doing just that. For the first milestone, you'll tackle five important questions. At the end of this step, you will have draft for your Design-A-Section.+We want to create a "significant learning experience," and this capstone project will get us doing just that. For the first milestone, we want you to think about five important questions. This will help you create skeleton lesson plan for your lecture/section activity
-    **Step 0: What general concept/question/idea are you designing a section around?** +    **Step 0: What general concept/question/idea are you designing a section around?** 
-    **Step 1: What are the situational factors present?**+    **Step 1: What are the situational factors present?**
       * What is expected from the students? From the professor? How many students?        * What is expected from the students? From the professor? How many students? 
       * How does your topic (and, once you have one, the specific activities) fit into the course goals?         * How does your topic (and, once you have one, the specific activities) fit into the course goals?  
       * Are there special challenges for this particular course?        * Are there special challenges for this particular course? 
-    **Step 2: What do you want students to learn? What are your learning goals?**+    **Step 2: What do you want students to learn? What are your learning goals?**
       * Think expansively, beyond "understand" or "remember".       * Think expansively, beyond "understand" or "remember".
       * Suggestion: Try finishing the sentence "At the end of this section, I want my students to be able to ..." Come up with at least two or three learning goals.       * Suggestion: Try finishing the sentence "At the end of this section, I want my students to be able to ..." Come up with at least two or three learning goals.
-      * Suggestion: Use Bloom (Lecture X). Remember, be specific. +      * Suggestion: Use Bloom (Class 5 and see Handouts on main page). Remember, be specific. 
-    **Step 3: For each learning goal in Step 2, what will the students have to do, to demonstrate that they have achieved the learning goals?** +    **Step 3: Draft a skeleton lesson plan that accomplishes your learning goals outlined in Step 2**
-      * What can do you that will help students learn as well as give you a basis for assessing understanding?  +
-      * Go beyond what Duncan (Lecture X) would frown upon ("Does everyone understand?"  +
-    - **Step 4: What has to happen during section for students to do well on the feedback and assessment you have designed (i.e., achieve your learning goals)?**+
       * Think creatively for ways of involving students that will support your learning goals.       * Think creatively for ways of involving students that will support your learning goals.
-      * Suggestion: Consider active learning techniques to create richer learning environments (Lectures X and X). +      * What topics do you want to include in your lecture? Will you include active learning activities? 
-    **Step 5: Determine whether all these components are integrated.** +      * In terms of section activities, what could you do to reinforce the lecture material? Small group or class discussion?   
-      * The material you come up with in Steps 1-4 should be consistent with and support each other.   +      * Suggestion: Consider active learning techniques to create richer learning environments (Classes 4-6).  
 +    * **Step 4: In thinking about these activities, how are your activities going to help assess their understanding? ** 
 +      * Go beyond what Duncan (Class 5 and see Suggested Readings) would frown upon ("Does everyone understand?"
 +    * **Step 5: Determine whether all these components are integrated.** 
 +      * The material you come up with in Steps 1-4 should be consistent with and support each other.  
 +For next week, please bring hardcopies of the following:  
 +    - Answer: What is the topic you are covering? Why are you choosing this topic (e.g., it was discussed poorly in lecture, it is something tangential you really want to introduce, etc.).  
 +    - A draft lesson plan, which should include clearly stated learning goals and an estimate of how much time (in your 50 minute section) you will be spending on each component.  
 +    - An outline for the main parts of your lecture and ideas for your activities. 
 +    - Make some notes about how these various activities tie back to your learning objectives and how you will assess this.  
 =====Break (few minutes)===== =====Break (few minutes)=====