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astro300_f13:day14 [2013/11/21 01:51] – [Ignorance Discussion (rest of minutes)] a_leeastro300_f13:day14 [2014/11/25 00:20] (current) a_lee
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    - The way most science classes are currently structured gives students the impression that science consists in memorizing facts and discovering new facts through a very straightforward, linear process.    - The way most science classes are currently structured gives students the impression that science consists in memorizing facts and discovering new facts through a very straightforward, linear process.
    - If we want our students to think more like scientists and to have an understanding of the scientific process that's truer to reality (its nonlinearity, the importance of developing and refining questions, etc.), we need to restructure our courses and our assessment of students.    - If we want our students to think more like scientists and to have an understanding of the scientific process that's truer to reality (its nonlinearity, the importance of developing and refining questions, etc.), we need to restructure our courses and our assessment of students.
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