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graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:fall_2012 [2013/11/06 09:19] – [Schedule] nrothgraduate_student_postdoc_seminar:fall_2012 [2014/01/13 23:35] (current) nroth
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-====== Graduate Student Postdoc Seminar ======+===== Fall 2012 ===== 
-Location: B5 Hearst Field Annex +Organizers: Nathan Roth and Aaron Lee 
- +
-Time: Fridays @ 4:00pm +
- +
-Past Seminars: [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2013]],[[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2012]],[[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2012]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2011]], +
-[[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2011]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2010]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2010]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2009]],  [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2009]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2008]],  [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2008]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2007]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Spring 2007]], [[graduate_student_postdoc_seminar:Fall 2006]] +
-===== Description / Motivation ===== +
- +
-  * GSPS meets weekly; each hour features a talk by one grad student and one postdoc on their own research. +
-  * Talks should be ~20 minutes + 5 minutes for questions. +
-  * Speakers can present work that is fully complete all the way through work in just the beginning stages. +
-  * Please emphasize background material. +
-  * (Practice qual talks / job talks are fine to present.) +
-  * No faculty allowed. +
-  * GSPS is a good place to... +
-    * promote community between students and postdocs +
-    * practice speaking and discussing your research +
-    * feel comfortable asking lots of questions +
-    * learn about topics outside your own research +
-  * If you would like feedback on your presentation, the organizers would be happy to take notes and discuss it with you afterwards (and/or ask other audience members to do so). +
- +
-Organizers: Nathan Roth and Aaron Lee (please contact us if you have questions) +
- +
-Thanks for participating in GSPS!+
 Survey results: {{:gspssurvey2012.pdf}} Survey results: {{:gspssurvey2012.pdf}}