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reductions [2017/01/03 20:21] ishivversreductions [2019/12/16 18:04] (current) nathan_sandford
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 +So Berkeley's observers rock and here is a place for us to add our tips/tricks and even code for reducing data from the many telescopes we can use. Imagine you had a resource like this when you started, how much more you could have gotten done!! It may be too late for you, (unless you meet Doc Emmett Brown), but it ain't too late for others, so come on and share that knowledge. Just edit me and add your instrument. Or add info to an existing page!
 +==Keck Instruments==
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:OSIRIS]]
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:NIRC2]]
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:NIRSPEC]]
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:HIRES]]
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:DEIMOS]]
 +  *[[telescopes:wmko:LRIS]]
 +==Lick Instruments==
 +  *[[telescopes:lick:PFCAM]]
 +  *[[telescopes:lick:HAMSPEC]]
 +  *[[telescopes:lick:KAST]]
 +  *[[telescopes:lick:IRCAL]]
 +==Arecibo Instruments==
 +  *[[LBW]]
 +  *[[ALFA]]
 +  *[[GALSPECT]]
 +==VLT Instruments==
 +  *[[telescopes:vlt:SINFONI]]
 +==Gemini Instrument==
 +  *[[telescopes:gemini:GMOS]]
 +  *[[telescopes:gemini:NIRI]]
 +  *[[telescopes:gemini:GNIRS]]