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AY 375 Fall 2014: Ninth Day Plan

Today I'll discuss your mid-semester evaluations and cover ethics.

General Takeaways

  1. Many ethical situations have obvious answers, but some are tricky. Today's scenarios considered some of the trickier or subtler situations you may deal with in discussion sections.

Section Recap & Discussion of Mid-semester Evals (10 minutes)


Briefly discuss common themes in midsemester evals.

Open the floor up for general questions and sharing about how sections are going. Some questions include:

Experienced GSI visit: Drummond Fielding (40 minutes)

Break (few minutes)

Board Work (15 minutes)

Ethics Case Studies (40 minutes)

Make sure everyone has finished the online Ethics course.

Quickly touch on the main points from the Ethics course (extended blurbs below).

  1. There will be many kinds of ethical quandaries that you must deal with as a GSI or a faculty member.

Ask the class to think about what should have been done and (if possible) how the situation could have been avoided.

  1. Each group will get two scenarios. The time will be broken up as follows:
    1. (5 minutes) Read through one scenario and discuss in your groups your initial impressions. How would you handle this situation?
    2. (5 minutes) Instructors will walk around so you can ask questions and formulate your final response to the situation. You can write your final answer on the back of the card.
    3. (5 minutes) Read through the next scenario and come up with your initial impressions.
    4. (5 minutes) Instructors will walk around again so you can ask questions and formulate your final response.
    5. (20 minutes) Spend about 5 minutes for each scenario, each group giving their response. Perhaps have a few scenarios as a class.
    6. Wrap up by reminding them about various links and resources on our 375 page (e.g., GSI Resource center, teaching resources, etc.).

* Some topics covered in the online course:

Homework For Next Time

  1. Go through your mid-semester evaluations. Compile a summary (at least one page) that gives your distributions for quantitative questions, and a general summary of your qualitative answers. Identify any trends in the responses. What is one thing that you intend to change in your remaining sections, based off these evals?
  2. Meet with me if you have not yet.
  3. 3rd extended log due next week.