All assignments must be completed in order to receive a “Pass” for the class. Exceptions are made only in the most extreme of circumstances.
Bootcamp Day 1 HW, due Tuesday, Aug 26th:
Draft your section syllabus. Bring a hard copy with you to class.
Draft your first day lesson plan. Write out your specific learning objectives.
Prepare some board work responses to the list of questions I gave out. Aim to be able to answer the questions in 2-3 minutes.
Bootcamp Day 2 HW, due Sept 8:
Have great first sections!
Email your syllabus for feedback.
Watch the two videos of professors lecturing. Answer the questions found on the “Instructor Lecture Videos” worksheet, found on the main Wiki page.
Class 3 HW, due Sept 15:
Start keeping your short teaching logs.
Add your teaching and office hour times/locations to the front page of the Wiki.
Organize with another discussion section GSI a time to visit and observe their teaching.
Class 4 HW, due Sept 22:
Start thinking about your longer teaching prompts. You might start making some notes on the various topics to help you construct your longer entries.
Visit your assigned peer GSI, have a chat afterwards, and fill out the worksheet. Bring the completed worksheet with you to class next week.
Bring in a lesson plan you have used or plan to use next week.
Class 5 HW, due Sept 29:
Write one multiple choice question (5 choices, no throw-aways) and one free response question (two parts). Bring a copy of them to class next week.
First extended log due next week. You can either hand it in or email me a PDF.
Class 6 HW, due Oct 6:
Draft a one-page teaching philosophy. Bring it with you next week (hard copy not required).
Continue to improve your two exam questions. Email me one of your two for further feedback.
In the next few weeks, try a new group work strategy or method of discussion in your sections or office hours. You'll report back to the class on how things went in a few weeks.
Class 7 HW, due Oct 13:
We will be doing board work exercises again next week. But this time you won't know what questions are coming (they will be related to your particular course's material).
Schedule a time to meet with me after I observe your discussion sections, if I do.
Second extended log due next week.
Class 8 HW, due Oct 20:
Schedule a time to chat with me if I have viewed your section.
Let's check on the smaller logs next week. Bring in your lesson plans for a quick check.
Write and administer your mid-semester evaluation.
Class 9 HW, due Oct 27:
Go through your mid-semester evaluations. Compile a summary (at least one page) that gives your distributions for quantitative questions, and a general summary of your qualitative answers. Identify any trends in the responses. What is one thing that you intend to change in your remaining sections, based off these evals?
Meet with me if you have not yet.
3rd extended log due next week.
Class 10 HW, due Nov 3:
If you have not yet analyzed your mid-semester evaluations, shoot me an email with your summary sometime this week.
Read Douglas Duncan's “Six Ways to Discourage Learning” for next week. Easily found online.
I never checked your short teaching logs. Let's check those next week.
Class 11 HW, due Nov 10:
Last extended log due next week.