This is a Perl script which automates some of the steps in preparing a file for submission to ApJ or astro-ph. It will never modify your original TeX file or figures, but instead creates copies with the desired changes.
Use it like: myarticle.tex
and it will create a new subdirectory called “submit” with a version of the article ready for submission.
Use -x myarticle.tex
to copy all your images and shrink them into compressed JPEG format to meet's file size limits.
This script requires that you have both Ghostscript (gs) and jpeg2ps installed.
#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # -- Marshall Perrin <> # # Package up an article for submission to ApJ or (astro-ph) # This involves renaming things to meet the ApJ file name standards, # and/or re-compressing image files smaller to meet ArXiV's file # size limit, and then compressing everything into a tar file. # # It also strips out comments from the LaTeX file, both to reduce # file size further and in case you left any embarassing comments in that # you don't want the journal editor to see. ;-) # # Usage: [-x] [-r #] [-t] <filename> # # Options: # -x prepare for ArXiV submission. This involves recompressing # all figures to a smaller size in order to meet the < 1MB limit. # -r # What resolution to use for JPEGs during ArXiV preparation. # Default is 150 dpi; make it smaller to shrink files more. # -t automatically tar things up into submit.tar.gz # # Outputs: A directory called "submit" which contains all the relevant stuff. # **WARNING** This script will overwrite any existing "submit" # subdirectory of the current directory. Any files therein will be lost! # # Requirements: # You must have jpeg2ps and gs in your path. Get gs from Fink and # jpeg2ps from # or DarwinPorts. # # History: # 2005-10-07 Began. M. Perrin # 2006-04-24 Added option handling, checks for file name # extensions, and general cleanup of the code. # # # TODO: Make it check for includegraphics commands too, and optionally # convert them to plotones, stripping out any arguments use Getopt::Std; # See # TODO make this better. # add an option to automatically latex and xdvi it for testing. %options = (); getopts("xr:t",\%options); if ($#ARGV < 0) { die "Usage: [-x] [-r #] [-t] <filename>\n"} if (defined $options{r}) { $resolution = $options{r}; print " Using resolution = $resolution\n"; } else { $resolution = 150; } # are we preparing for submission to a journal (default; use full-res figures) # or to (aka astro-ph, in which case we need to compress the figures); $arxiv_mode = defined $options{x}; $inputtex = $ARGV[0]; unless ($inputtex =~ /\.tex$/) {$inputtex .= ".tex";}; print "Input file is $inputtex\n"; unless (-e $inputtex) {die "Couldn't find that input file!\n"} mkdir "submit"; `rm submit/*`; # clean out any leftover files there open IN,$inputtex or die "Error:$!"; open OUT,">submit/ms.tex" or die; $figcounter = 1; while (<IN>) { #Remove any comments in the LaTeX file before submitting s/^%.*\n|([^\\])%.*\n/$1/go; # Look to see if this line references a figure. if (/\\plotone{([^\}]*)}/) { $fn = $1; # output a new version of the input line which links to # 'f1', 'f2', etc instead. s/$fn/f$figcounter.eps/; prepare_figure($fn); } # repeat the above for includegraphics instead of plotone. if (/\\includegraphics(.*){([^\}]*)}/) { $args = $1; $fn = $2; prepare_figure($fn); } print OUT; } # copy the BBL file, too (necessary for ApJ submission since they # don't do BiBTeX directly) $bblname = $inputtex; $bblname =~ s/\.tex/\.bbl/; `cp $bblname submit/ms.bbl`; print "\nOutput written to submit/ms.tex\n"; if ($arxiv_mode) { $size = (split(/\s+/,`du -sk submit`))[0]; print " Total size of submit directory: $size kB\n\n"; if ($size >= 1024) {print "**** Warning! Size > 1 MB! ****\n"; } } if (defined $options{t}) { system('tar cvzf submit.tar.gz submit'); $size = (split(/\s+/,`ls -l submit.tar.gz`))[4]; $size = int($size/1024); print " Created submit.tar.gz $size kB\n\n"; } ###################################################################### sub prepare_figure { my ($fn); $fn = shift; print "figure: $fn\t=> f$figcounter.eps\n\t"; # if $fn does not have an extension, assume it's .eps unless ($fn =~ /\.eps$/) { $fn .= ".eps"}; #TODO error checking for the case where $fn is not an EPS file! unless (-e $fn) { die "I can't find the file $fn!"; } if ($arxiv_mode) { # Now compress the figure for ArXiV's draconian requirements `gs -r$resolution -dEPSCrop -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sDEVICE=jpeg -sOutputFile=submit/f$figcounter.jpg -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE $fn`; `jpeg2ps submit/f$figcounter.jpg > submit/f$figcounter.eps`; `rm submit/f$figcounter.jpg`; # and use whichever is smaller $oldsize = -s "$fn"; $newsize = -s "submit/f$figcounter.eps"; print "\tOld size:\t$oldsize\tNew size:\t$newsize\n"; # if ($oldsize < $newsize) {`cp $fn.eps submit/f$figcounter.eps" } else { # We're just submitting to a journal. This is easy. `cp $fn submit/f$figcounter.eps`; } $figcounter++; }