This is an old revision of the document!

UC Berkeley Ph.D.s in Astronomy and Astrophysics since WWII

Jon Arons compiled these tables of all Berkeley alumni since WWII and last them updated July 24, 1998.

This page is mostly of historical interest. New information should go into the current list.

Tenure-Track University Professors

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Aannestad, P.A.1972Field AYArizona State, Physics & Astronomy Prof.
Abhyankar, KD1959 AYOsrania University (India) Professor
Adams, F. 1988Shu 3 PHYSU. Michigan, Assoc.Physics Professor
Ahlen, S.1976Price 3 PHYSBoston University Physics Prof.
Alsop, D.C.1991Lange 2 PHYSAsso. Prof at Harvard, medical physics
Anderson, L.S. 1977Arons 3 AYU. Toledo, Physics & Astronomy Professor
Balbus, S.1981McKee 6 PHYSU. Virginia, Astronomy Professor
Barnes, J.E.1984Davis 3 AYU. Hawaii, Associate Professor of Astronomy
Barwick, S.1986Price 1 PHYSPhysics Assoc. Prof at UC Irvine
Beck, S.1981Townes 3 PHYSUniversity of Tel Aviv Astronomy tenured Faculty
Breger, M.1969Kuhi 0 AYUniv. Vienna, Austria, Prof. and Associate Dean
Bernstein, G.1989Richards PHYSU. Penn Physics Prof.
Bodenheimer, P.1965Henyey AYUCSC Astronomy Professor
Boesgaard, A.E.1966 AYU. Hawaii Astronomy Professor
Boyd, R.1977Townes 3 PHYSUniversity of Rochester Physics Prof (Optics)
Bonomo, J.1983Richards PHYSU. Michigan Astronomy Prof.
Brown, M.1994Spinrad/dePater 2 AYCalTech, Planetary Science Assoc. Prof.
Carlstrom, J. 1989Welch PHYSU. Chicago, Astronomy Professor
Carral, P. 1989Welch AYUniversity, Mexico, Astronomy Professor
Carrasco, L.1973Gaustad AYMexico - UNAM IDA Professor
Cash, W. 1978Bowyer PHYSU. Colorado, Astrophysics Professor
Chakrabarti, S.1982Bowyer 1 EECSBoston University, Astronomy Professor
Chernoff, D.1985McKee 1 PHYSCornell, Assoc. Professor Astronomy
Cheung, A.1976Townes 0 PHYSLaboratory Head, City U. of Hong Kong
Chu, Y.H.1981Heiles 3 AYU. Illinois, Full Professor
Coan, T1989Price 6 PHYSSouthern Methodist University Physics Prof
Conti, P.1962Wallerstein 3 AYU. Colorado, APAS Professor
Cudaback, D.D.1962Weaver 0 AYUC Berkeley, tenured Astronomy Lecturer (deceased)
Davidsen, A.F.1975Bowyer 0 AYJohns Hopkins, Phys. and Astron. Professor
Devlin, M.J.1993Lange 3 PHYSPhysics prof at UPA (expt. astrophys)
Djorgovski, S.1985Davis 3 AYCalTech, Professor Astronomy
Evans, N.1973Townes 2 PHYSUniversity of Texas Astronomy Professor
Fich, M.1983Heiles 3 AYU. Waterloo, Prof.
Fuller, G. 1989Welch AYUniversity of Manchester, Lecturer
Giz, A. 1987Shu 0 PHYSTurkey - University of Istanbul Assoc. Prof.
Goldsmith, P.1975Townes 2 PHYSCornell Astronomy Professor→ JPL
Gordon, R.1976Price 0 PHYSCSU at Sonoma Physics Prof.
Harris, A.1986Genzel 1 PHYSU. Maryland Assoc Prof of Astronomy (tenure)
Harrison, F.1993Kahn 2 PHYSCalTech Physics Asst. Prof. (tenure track)
Henry, J.P. 1975Bowyer 5 AYU. Hawaii, Astronomy Professor
Herbig, G.H.1948 AYLick UCSC, emeritus
Hills, R.E.1973Welch AYUniversity of Cambridge, Radio Astron. Professor
Holzapfel, W.L.1996Lange 2 PHYSProf of Physics, UC Berkeley
Hubbard, W.1967Henyey AYU. Arizona, Planetary Science Professor
Johnson, H.L. 1948 AYU. Arizona, emeritus (deceased)
Kahn, S.1980Bowyer 2 PHYSStanford Physics Prof.
Klemola, A.R.1962 AYLick Observatory, Emeritus
Knacke, R. 1969Gaustad PHYSPenn State, Astronomy Professor
Koo, B.C. 1990Heiles/McKee 2 AYKorea - Seoul National U., Professor
Koo, D.1981King 7 AYUCSC/Lick Obs.,Prof. Astronomy
Kraft, R.P. 1955 AYUCSC Professor (Emeritus)
Krishna-Swamy,K 1965Wallerstein AYTata Institute (India) Professor
Krolik, J.1977McKee 7 PHYSJohns Hopkins - Phys. & Astron. Prof.
Kron, R.G.1978King 0 AYU. Chicago, Astronomy Prof/Fermi Lab Res. Sci
Kuhi, L.V. 1963 AYU. Minnesota Astronomy Professor
Kulkarni, S.1984Heiles (Backer) 2 AYCaltech, Astronomy Professor
Lacy, J.1979Townes 3 PHYSU. Texas (Austin) Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Lange, A.1987Richards 0 PHYSCaltech Physics Professor
Leibert, J.W. 1977Spinrad 0 AYU. Arizona, Astronomy Professor
Leung, C.M.1975Field AYRennselaer Polytechnic Institute
Lin, R,P.1967Anderson PHYSUC Berkeley Physics Prof.
Liss, T.M.1984Price 0 PHYSUIUC full Physics Prof
Mack, J.1970Bowyer AYSUNY-Buffalo, Phys. & Astronomy Professor
Margon, B. 1973Bowyer 3 AYU. Washington, Astronomy Professor
Martin, D.C. 1986Bowyer 0 PHYSCalTech, Physics Professor
Mathews, W.1965 AYUCSC Astronomy Professor
Mathieu, R.D.1983King 4 AYU. Wisconsin, Astronomy Professor
McCullough, P. 1993Heiles 1 AYU. Illinois - Hubble Fellow/Asst. Prof.
McKee, C.F. 1970Field/(Teller) 2 PHYSUC Berkeley Physics/Astronomy Prof.
McNamara, D.H. 1950 AYBrigham Young University
Meiksin, A.1988Davis 9 PHYSUniversity of Edinburgh tenured lecturer
Meinel, A.B. 1949 AYU. Arizona, emeritus, now at JPL
Meixner, M. 1993Welch 0 AYU. Illinois, Assoc. Prof. Astronomy
Meszaros, P.1972Field PHYSPenn State Astronomy Professor
Miner, G. 1969Welch EECSBYU, Professor
Mouschovias, T.1975Field 2 PHYSU.Illinois Astronomy Professor
Nahum, M.1992Richards PHYSHarvard Asst. Prof. of Physics
Ostriker, E. 1993Shu/McKee 3 PHYSU. Maryland, Asst. Prof.
Peimbert, M.1967 AYMexico - UNAM Professor
Perry, C.L. 1965 AYLSU Physics and Astronomy Professor
Peterson, C.J.1975King AYU. Missouri, Phys. & Astron. Prof.
Peterson, J.1985Richards PHYSCarengie-Mellon Assoc. Prof. of Physics
Pillans, H.M.1952 AYMills College (retired)
Poveda, A.1956 AYMexico - UNAM professor
Reaves, G. 1952 AYUSC
Reynolds, S.1980McKee 5 PHYSNorth Carolina State U., Physics Prof.
Richmond, M. 1992Filippenko 5 AYU. Rochester Asst. Prof of Astronomy
Robbins, R. 1966 AYU. Texas, Assoc. Prof.
Roemer, E. 1955 AYU. Arizona, Professor
Salamon, M.1981Price 2 PHYSUniv. Utah Physics Prof.
Scott, E.L1949 AYUCB Statistics professor, emerita (deceased)
Shields, J.C.1991Filippenko 5 AYOhio U., Asst. Professor Physics & Astronomy
Smith, H.E. 1974Spinrad AYUCSD Physics Professor
Sparke, L.S.1981Shu 6 AYU. Wisconsin, Professor
Spinrad, H.1961 AYUC Berkeley Astronomy Professor
Stephenson,CB 1958 AYCase Western Reserve, Professor
Strauss, M.1989Davis 5 PHYSPrinceton, Professor Astrophysics
Sutton, E.1979Townes 4 PHYSU. Illinois-UI Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Tarle, G.1978Price 2 PHYSU. Michigan Physics Prof.
Thorstensen, J.1980Bowyer 0 AYDartmouth, Physics & Astronomy Professor
Torres-Peimbert, S.1969Gaustad AYMexico - UNAM Professor
Troland, T.H.1980Heiles 1 AYU. Kentucky, Phys. & Astron.Professor
Turner, J.L. 1984Welch AYUCLA, Astronomy Associate Professor
Ulrich, R.K. 1968Henyey 1 AYUCLA, Astronomy Professor
Van Altena, W.1966 AYYale Astronomy Professor
Vogel, S.N. 1983Welch AYU. Maryland, Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Walter, F.M.1981Bowyer/Basri 3 AYSUNY Stony Brook, Astronomy Professor
Watson, D.1983Townes 6 PHYSU. Rochester Assoc. Prof. (Phy. and Ay.)
Wehlau, A.F. 1953 AYU. West Ontario
Whittum, D.1990Arons /Sessler 4 PHYSStanford U. Applied Physics Asst. Prof.
Willick, J. 1991Bowyer 4 PHYSStanford Physics Asst. Prof. (Deceased)
Wing, R.F. 1967Spinrad AYOhio State Astronomy Professor
Woodward, P.1973Field PHYSU. Minnesota Professor
Wrixton, G.T.1969Welch EECSUniversity College, Cork, Professor
Zmuidzinas, J.1987McKee(Betz) 1 PHYSCalTech, Professor of Physics

Tenure-Track College Professors

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Burns, M.S.1985Muller PHYSHarvey Mudd College Physics Faculty (tenured)
Chambers, R.J. 1962 AYPomona College
Golden, L.B. 1977Welch AYU. Illinois (Chicago) lecturer
Hess, C.1994Kahn 2 PHYSIllinois Western Asst. Prof. (tenure track)
Lea, S.M.1974Silk 6 AYSF State Physics and Astronomy Professor
Marr, J. 1990Backer 6 AYUnion College, Physics Asst. Prof. (tenure track)
Takahashi, T.1983Silk PHYSSt. Norbert College Assoc. Prof. of Physics
Wilkerson, J.1995Sadoulet 2 PHYSAssistant Professor of Physics, Garrison College
Wollman, E.1976Townes 3 PHYSBates College Physics full Professor
Zook, A.C.1979Phillips 0 AYPomona College Professor

Tenure-Track Community College Professors

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Brooks, K.G.1981King 0 AYLos Medanos College Professor
Kim, Y.H.1976 AYSaddleback College
Toy, L. G.-S.1980Phillips 0 AYChabot Community College Professor

Permanent Research Staff at Observatories/Laboratories (Astronomy)

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Aguilar, L.1985King 3 AYMexico-Nat'l. Obs., research staff/U. Baja CA
Ames, S. 1972Field 10 AYRadio Astronomy Institute, Germany
Augason, G.C.1976 AYNASA-Ames
Baker, P.L. 1971Weaver AYComputer Science Corp./GSFC
Bartlett, J. 1992Silk 4 PHYSObservatoire de Strasbourg, staff astronomer
Belton, MJS 1964 AYNational Optical Observatories (Kitt Peak)
Betz, A.1977Townes 2 PHYSUniversity of Colorado Research Prof. (APAS)
Blanco, V.M. 1949 AYCTIO (past director) (retired)
Bloemhof, E.1984Townes 3 PHYSCIT Astronomy Research Staff
Bock, J.J.1994Lange 2 PHYSJPL Staff scientist
Bolton, S. 1991dePater/Heiles 0 AYJPL - Research Staff
Bruzual, G.1981Spinrad AYVenezuela - CIDA, Astronomy Professor
Calvet, N.P.1981Kuhi/Basri AYVenezuela - CIDA
Crawford, H.1979Price 0 PHYSSSL/LBL Senior Fellow
Dey, A.1994Spinrad 3 AYNOAO Associate Astronomer
Dickinson, M. 1993Spinrad 4 AYNOAO Associate Astronomer
Dones, H.C.1987Shu 4 AYNASA-Ames (soft money)
Dreher, J.W. 1978Welch AYNASA-Ames (SETI Institute)
Edelstein, J.1992Bowyer 0 AYUCB-Center for EUV Astrophysics, Asst. Res. Astr.
Erikson, N.1979Chiao PHYSU. Mass Research Prof (Astronomy); Millipore Corp.
Finley, D.1988Bowyer/Basri AYResearch Astronomer, EUREKA
Forster, R.1978Welch EECSRAL/Hat Creek Research Staff
Foster, R. 1990Backer 2 AYNaval Research Lab, Radio Astronomy Res. Staff
Friedman, R.1974Phillips AYNASA-Ames
Frisch, P.C.1977Heiles 10 AYU. Chicago, Research Staff (soft $)
Geballe, T. 1974Townes 7 PHYSUKIRT Senior Research Staff
Goss, W. M. 1967Weaver AYNRAO (VLA Director)
Green, J.1989Bowyer PHYSU. Colorado - CASA, Research Associate
Hansen, H.K.1966 AYBYU, research staff (?)
Hill, J.K.1976Silk AYNASA/GSFC
Hillendahl, R.1968 AYLockheed (Retired)
Holberg, J.1974Bowyer 9 PHYSU. Arizona Lunar & Planetary Sciences, Res. Staff
Hurley, K.1970Anderson PHYSSenior Space Fellow, UCB Space Sciences Lab
Hurwitz, M.1990Bowyer 1 AYUCB-Center for EUV Astrophysics, Asst. Res. Astr.
Jackson, E.S.1964 AYUS Naval Observatory
Jakobsen, P.1983Bowyer 1 AYESO-Space Telescope Project Scientist
Jelinsky, P.1988Bowyer PHYSUC Berkeley - SSL Research Physicist
Kahler, S.1968Anderson PHYSPhillips Lab (Hanscom Field) Research Staff
Kimble, R. 1983Bowyer PHYSNASA/GSFC, Research Scientist
Kogut, A.1989Smoot/Crawford 3 PHYSGSFC staff (civil servant)
Lampton, M.1967Anderson PHYSSenior Space Fellow, UCB Space Sciences Lab
Landau, R.F. 1975Gaustad AYAustralia - ATNF
Levin, S.1987Smoot/Price 5 PHYSJPL staff
Lissauer, J. 1981Shu 4 MATHNASA/Ames
Livingston,WC1959 AYNSO
Lizano, S. 1988Shu 0 AYMexico - UNAM (IdA) Perm. Res. Staff
Lubow, S.1978Shu 7 PHYSSpace Telescope Science Institute, Techn. Staff
Lugten, J.1987Genzel 3 PHYSNRAO Tucson Staff Member
Mahoney, W.1973Anderson PHYSSenior Scientist, Jet Propulsion Lab
Malina, R.F.1979Bowyer 2 AYUCB-Center for EUV Astrophysics, Exec. Director
Mather, J.1974Richards PHYSGoddard permanent senior research staff member
Matsakis, D.1978Townes 1 PHYSUSNO Diretor of Time Service
Mauskopf, P.1997Lange 0 PHYSU. Mass. Research Staff (LMT project)
McCarthy, P.1988Spinrad AYCarnegie Observatory Research Staff
McGrath, W.R.1985Richards PHYSJPL Research Staff
McGuire, R.E.1976Anderson PHYSNASA/GSFC Research Staff
Mears, C. A.1991Richards PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Miller, T.1993Price 0 PHYSBartol Institute Staff
Mitchell, D.1993dePater 3 AYUCB-SSL, Asst. Res. Physicist
Najita, J. 1992Shu 4 AYNOAO Associate Astronomer
Newberg, H.J.M.1992Muller PHYSFermilab Research Staff
Paresce, F.L.1973Bowyer 0 AYESO - VLT Interferometer Project Scientist
Parsons, S.1966 AYSpace Telescope Science Inst.
Plambeck, R.1978Chiao 3 PHYSUCB Radio Astronomy Lab Staff Member
Preston, G.W.1959 AYCarnegie Observatories
Reichert, G.1982Bowyer 0 PHYSNASA/GSFC, USRA Astronomer
Retterer, J.1980King 9 AYAF Geophysics Labs,Ionospheric Physics Div.
Roberts, MS1957 AYNRAO (past director)
Rodgers, G.J.1955 AYDominion Astrophysical Obs., Emeritus
Roelof, E.C.1966Anderson PHYSJohns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Staff
Schachter, J. 1990Kahn PHYSHarvard - CfA, Reseach taff
Schatten, K.1968Anderson PHYSNASA GSFC Staff Scientist (Lab. for Atmospheres)
Schwartz, R.1984Anderson PHYSNASA GSFC Staff Scientist
Schweizer, F.1975King 6 AYCarnegie Inst. Dept Terr. Magn. Res. staff
Serabyn, E.1984Townes 7 PHYSCal Tech Submillemeter Observatory Staff
Simpson, J.P.1970Henyey AYNASA-Ames
Smith, H.1976Townes 0 PHYSNational Air and Space Museum Staff
Stahler, S.1980Shu 2 PHYSUC Berkeley Research Staff
Stauffer, J.R. 1981Spinrad AYHarvard (CfA)
Stebbins, A.1987Silk PHYSFermi National Accel. Lab Research Staff
Summers, F.1993Davis 3 AYHayden Planetarium, Teaching & Research Staff
Stern, A.V. 1950 AYHughes (retired?)
Stern, R.1978Bowyer 3 PHYSLockheed Space Astronomy Group, Res. Scientist
Tarter, J.C. 1975Silk 3 AYSETI Inst.
Taylor, B.J. 1969Spinrad AYBYU, Research Staff (?)
Teitler, W.1976Cunningham AYUCB-SSL, Programmer/Analyst
Tereby, S.1984Shu 4 AYIPAC Staff
Treffers, R. 1973Gaustad AYUC Berkeley Astronomy Staff
Turner, B.E. 1967Weaver AYNRAO
Valdes, F. 1980Shu 0 AYNational Optical Observatories (Kitt Peak)
Van Buren, D. 1983McKee 5 AYIPAC Staff
Walker, M.F.1952 AYLick Observatory (retired)
Westphal, A.1992Price 4 PHYSUCB SSL Senior Fellow
Wolff, S. 1966 AYNational Optical Observatories (Director)
Wood, D.B. 1963 AYNASA - GSFC
Woody, D.1975Richards PHYSOwens Valley Radio Observatory Research Staff

Permanent Research Staff at Laboratories (non-Astronomy)

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Barnard, J.J. 1984Arons 3 AYLLNL (heavy ion fusion), Research Staff
Bixler, J. 1988Bowyer PHYSLLNL, Research Physicist
Chiu, L.-T.G. 1978King 3 AYIBM Research Staff
Das, R.1985Townes PHYSRockefeller U. Neurobiology
Fawley, W.M. 1978Arons 2 AYLLNL (heavy ion fusion), Research Staff
Fisher, K.1992Davis 4 PHYSU. Texas-Austin, Oceanographic Acoustics Res.
Gorenstein, M.V.1978Muller PHYSIndustry Research - Millipore Corp.
Grasberger, WH 1954 AYLBL
Holtz, J.Z.1971Townes 0 PHYSLincoln Labs, R&D Director
Hutcheon, I.1975Price 3 PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Johnson, M.1975Townes 0 PHYSLLNL Materials Research Staff
Kumar, S.1973Bowyer EECSBell Labs, Senior Scientist
Labov, S.1988Bowyer AYLLNL, Research Physicist
Levedahl, W.K.1987Anderson PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Levee, R.D. 1951Henyey AYLBL (LLNL?)
Liedahl, D.1992Kahn PHYSLLNL, Research Staff
Manucci, A.1989Townes 0 PHYSJPL Technical Staff, Tracking and Propulsion
Mayle, R. 1985Shu/McKee (Wilson) 0 PHYSLLNL (research staff)
Ottusch, J.1985Townes 0 PHYSHughes Research Staff
Pollaine, S.1980Crawford 0 PHYSLLNL Staff Member (Fusion Research)
Potter, D.W.1981Anderson PHYSSAIC Research Staff (Industrial Research)
Rajan, Sundar1973Price 3 PHYSJPL administrative staff
Rather, J.D.G.1970Welch AYNASA - Administration
Schipper, L. 1985King 0 PHYSLBL Applied Science Divison (Environt Res.)
Wark, DQ 1959 AYNOAA
Weaver, T. 1975Silk 0 PHYSLLNL
Weber, S.V. 1978Shu 4 AYLLNL (inertial fusion)
Widing, K.G. 1959 AYNaval Research Lab.
Wilson, L.1978Price 2 PHYSBellcore Research Staff
Wilson, M.1981Silk PHYSSandia Corporation

Industry and Business

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Bensadoun, M.1991Smoot/Crawford 0 PHYSIndustry
Bonomo, J.1983Richards PHYSRand Corp. Staff Scientist
Burnard, D.J.1989Arons/Klein 0 PHYSApple Computer, Research Staff
Clapp, A.1994Richards PHYSGrantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo & Co. (financial?)
Drach, J.1987Price 0 PHYSComputer Industry
Ebneter, K.1989Davis 0 AYApple Computer
Feffer, P.T.1996Lin 0 PHYSindustry
Frazier, E.1966 AYTRW (Industry)
Freeman, J. 1979Bowyer PHYSMas Par Corporation
Gaster, S.1985Townes 0 PHYSAerospace Corp Engineer
Goldhaber, D.1988Betz/Townes 0 PHYSGE Healthcare
Goldsmith, D.1969Field 1 AYInterstellar Media (publishing/writing)
Grasdalen, G.L1972Gaustad AYBusinessman
Greenberg, L.1977Townes 1 PHYSAerospace Corp Management
Jeske, N. 1986Davis 0 AYSoftware Industry (Autodesk)
Kuan, P. 1973Kuhi AYindustry (Idaho Falls - type unknown)
Potter, D.W.1981Anderson PHYSSAIC Research Staff (Industrial Research)
Prata, S.W.1968King AYPacBell
Raff, M.I.1976Spinrad AYMedical Industry
Richards, A.1995Price 2 PHYSIndustry
Romanik, C.1996McKee 0 AYself-employed
Sherrill, T.1966 AYAstrophysical Journal Publications
Shirk, Edward1974Price 1 PHYSHarbormaster at Berkeley Marina
Sills, R.M. 1981Weaver 0 AYIndustry
Simpson, E.E. 1970Henyey AYIndustry
Smith, C.K.1995Muller PHYSenvironmental science indsutry
Sturch, C. 1965 AYSCI (Industry)
Tamanaha, C.M.1995Heiles 0 AYSystem Manager, SF Company
Truelove, K.1997McKee/Klein 0 PHYSBusiness Consulting
Wilbanks, T.M.1994Lange 1 PHYSIndustry
Wilson, C.P. 1973King 6 AYConsultant/owner consulting firm SF area
Yu, Ted 1997Welch AYFreelance Software Developer
Zachary, A.L. 1987Arons 3 AYFinancial Modeling
Zivanovic, S.1993Welch EECSIndustry

Other Permanent Employment

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Negroponte, J.1982Silk PHYSAustralia - Theater Director, Sydney
Schweizer, L. 1984King 2 AYFamily

Unemployed, Unknown or Lost

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Bandettini. A.1966 AYunknown
Benson, R.S.1970 AYunknown
Brown, W.L.1976Field/Arons AYunknown
Brunstein, K.A.1965Anderson PHYSunknown
Chui, M.1976Townes PHYSunknown
Cunningham, A.1966Weaver AYother (?)
Fischer, M.1991Richards PHYSunknown
Forbes, J.E. 1966Henyey AYunknown
Henke, R.P.1979Cunningham AYunknown
Holliman, J.1995McKee/Klein AYunknown
Howard, J.C.1956 AYunknown
Hunziker, R.W.1967 unknown
Hutchins, J.B.1974Field AYunknown
Kellman, S.A.1970 unknown
McClelland, J.1978Silk PHYSunknown
Meinhold, P.R.1990Muller/Lubin PHYSunknown
Min, M.B.1965 AYunknown
O'Leary, B.T. 1967Weaver AYEcuador
Parsons, A.1993Sadoulet PHYSunknown
Schuster, J.A.1993Muller/Lubin PHYSunknown
Stockwell, W.1996Sadoulet PHYSunknown
Stone, S.N. 1956 AYemeritus (where?)
Wang, N.1991Sadoulet PHYSunknown
Webb, C.J.1964 AYunknown
Weinberg, S.1975Silk PHYSArt-Science Institute, Rochester
Williams, J.A.1962Wallerstein AYunknown
Witebsky, C.1985Smoot/Welch AYunknown

Post-Doctoral Fellows and Temporary Lecturers

Name PhD Year PhD Adviser Yrs. to 1st Perm. Job Dept. Current Position
Barnes, Jr., P.1996Sadoulet 1 PHYSPostdoc, LLNL
Barth, A.1998Filippenko 1 AYPostdoc, CfA
Bertoldi, F.1989McKee/Klein 9 PHYSMax Planck Institut, postdoctoral fellow
Bower, G.1997Backer 1 AYMPI for Radio Astronomy post-doc
Bunn, E.1996Silk 2 PHYSBates College, Lecturer
Gallant, Y. 1993Arons 4 PHYSUtrecht Post-doc
Gonzalez, R.1996Graham 1 AYSTScI, Post-Doc
Ho, L.C.1995Filippenko 1 AYHarvard-CfA, Post-Doc
Hu. W.1995Silk 1 PHYSInst. for Advanced Studies, Post-Doc
Johns, C.M.1994Basri 2 AYMcDonald, Post-Doc Fellow
Kim, A.G.1996Muller/Perlmutter 1 PHYSLBL Postdoc
Larson, D.1993Anderson 3 PHYSSSL postdoc
Levenson, N.1997Graham 1 AYUCB Astronomy post-doc
Lineweaver, C.1994Smoot 3 PHYSPost-doc, U Strasbourg
Lowder, D.1986Price 11 PHYSUCB Post-Doc, neutrino astrophys
Pfaffman, T. 1993Kahn 4 PHYSLANL, Post-Doc
Reach, W.1991Heiles 6 AYOrsay, Paris, Post-Doc
Richter, M.1995Graham 2 AYU Texas, Post-Doc
Sasseen, T.P.1990Muller 7 PHYSUCSB Physics Postdoc (Cordova)
Schlegel, D.1995Davis 2 AYDurham U., Post-Doc
Silva, A.1995dePater/Lin 2 AYCaltech, Post-Doc
Shutt, T.1993Sadoulet 4 PHYSPostdoc, CfPA, UC Berkeley
Snowden-Ifft, D.1991Price 6 PHYSAmherst College Visiting Asst. Phys. Prof.
Tafalla, M. 1993Welch 4 AYHarvard - CfA, Post-Doc
Tegmark, M.1994Silk 4 PHYSInst. for Advanced Studies, Hubble Fellow
Thatte, N. 1993Welch 4 EECSMPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, Post-Doc
Valenti, J.A.1994Basri 3 AYU. Colorado, JILA Post-Doc
Veeraraghavan,S.1989Silk 8 AYManchester University, Post-Doc
Wargelin, B. 1993Kahn 4 PHYSHarvard - CfA, Post-Doc
Wilkin, F.1997McKee/Stahler 1 AYUCB Astronomy Post-doc
Williams, J.P.1995Welch 2 AYU. Maryland, Post-Doc
Wilner, D. 1993Welch 4 AYHarvard - CfA, Post-Doc
Zhang, X.1992Welch 5 EECSHarvard-CfA, Post-Doc
Erikson, N.1979Chiao PHYSU. Mass Research Prof (Astronomy); Millipore Corp.
Evans, N.1973Townes 2 PHYSUniversity of Texas Astronomy Professor
Goldsmith, P.1975Townes 2 PHYSCornell Astronomy Professor
Gordon, R.1976Price 0 PHYSCSU at Sonoma Physics Prof.
Harris, A.1986Genzel 1 PHYSU. Maryland Assoc Prof of Astronomy (tenure)
Holtz, J.Z.1971Townes 0 PHYSLincoln Labs, R&D Director
Holzapfel, W.L.1996Lange 2 PHYSAsst. Prof of Physics, UC Berkeley
Hurley, K.1970Anderson PHYSSenior Space Fellow, UCB Space Sciences Lab
Hutcheon, I.1975Price 3 PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Jaminet, P.A.1992Townes 4 PHYSHarvard Asst Prof 4yr, left Ap afterwards
Johnson, M.1975Townes 0 PHYSLLNL Materials Research Staff
Kahler, S.1968Anderson PHYSPhillips Lab (Hanscom Field) Research Staff
Kogut, A.1989Smoot/Crawford 3 PHYSGSFC staff (civil servant)
Lacy, J.1979Townes 3 PHYSU. Texas (Austin) Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Lampton, M.1967Anderson PHYSSenior Space Fellow, UCB Space Sciences Lab
Lange, A.1987Richards 0 PHYSCaltech Physics Professor
Levedahl, W.K.1987Anderson PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Levin, S.1987Smoot/Price 5 PHYSJPL staff
Lin, R,P.1967Anderson PHYSUC Berkeley Physics Prof.
Liss, T.M.1984Price 0 PHYSUIUC full Physics Prof
Lugten, J.1987Genzel 3 PHYSNRAO Tucson tenured staff
Mahoney, W.1973Anderson PHYSSenior Scientist, Jet Propulsion Lab
Manucci, A.1989Townes 0 PHYSJPL Technical Staff, Tracking and Propulsion
Mather, J.1974Richards PHYSGoddard permanent senior research staff member
Matsakis, D.1978Townes 1 PHYSUSNO Diretor of Time Service
Mauskopf, P.1997Lange 0 PHYSU. Mass. Research Staff (LMT project)
McGrath, W.R.1985Richards PHYSJPL Reseearch Staff
McGuire, R.E.1976Anderson PHYSNASA/GSFC Research Staff
Mears, C. A.1991Richards PHYSLLNL Research Staff
Meinhold, P.R.1990Muller/Lubin PHYSUCSB Physics Research Staff? Postdoc?
Miller, T.1993Price 0 PHYSBartol Institute Staff
Nahum, M.1992Richards PHYSHarvard Asst. Prof. of Physics
Newberg, H.J.M.1992Muller PHYSFermilab Research Staff
Parsons, A.1993Sadoulet PHYS
Perlmutter, S.1986Muller PHYSLBNL Research Staff (Astrophysics)
Peterson, J.1985Richards PHYSCarengie-Mellon Assoc. Prof. of Physics
Plambeck, R.1978Chiao 3 PHYSUCB Radio Astronomy Lab Staff Member
Roelof, E.C.1966Anderson PHYSJohns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Staff
Salamon, M.1981Price 2 PHYSUniv. Utah Physics Prof.
Schatten, K.1968Anderson PHYSNASA GSFC Staff Scientist (Solar Physics)
Schuster, J.A.1993Muller/Lubin PHYS
Schwartz, R.1984Anderson PHYSNASA GSFC Staff Scientist
Serabyn, E.1984Townes 7 PHYSCal Tech Submillemeter Observatory Staff
Smith, D.M.1993Lin 3 PHYSBerkeley Space Sciences Lab Research Staff
Smith, H.1976Townes 0 PHYSNational Air and Space Museum Staff
Stockwell, W.1996Sadoulet
Sutton, E.1979Townes 4 PHYSU. Illinois-UI Astronomy Assoc. Prof.
Tarle, G.1978Price 2 PHYSU. Michigan Physics Prof.
Vorpahl, J.1971Anderson PHYSUnknown
Wang, N.1991Sadoulet PHYS
Watson, D.1983Townes 6 PHYSU. Rochester Assoc. Prof. (Phys. and Ay.)
Weiss, S.1994Sadoulet PHYS
Westphal, A.1992Price 4 PHYSUCB SSL Senior Fellow
Wilkerson, J.1995Sadoulet PHYSAsst. Prof., ? College
Wilson, L.1978Price 2 PHYSBellcore Research Staff
Witebsky, C. 1985Smoot/Welch AYLBL Research Staff?
Wollman, E.1976Townes 3 PHYSBates College Physics full Professor
Woody, D.1975Richards PHYSOwens Valley Radio Observatory Research Staff