−Table of Contents
First-Year Orientation 2019
Planning information for the 2019 First-Year Orientation
Wednesday, 21 Aug
- 10:00am-11:30am Orientation (6th Floor Lounge)
- Welcome from the Chair with Eliot
- Mentoring and advising systems with Dan
- Faculty side of advising (we describe student side)
- Expectations
- Pass out academic roadmap
- how many classes should you take?
- classes in other departments (physics, CS, pottery, language)
- filling your 12 units
- when to start research and how?
- How pick to Picking a Research Advisor meeting coming soon to a department near you
- AY290 and AY375
- What are they?
- expectations by the end of 2nd year
- 6 core classes, 12 astro units
- 2/3 for letter grade
- prelim - 3 classes
- 1 of radiation/fluids
- other options - stars, SF, ISM, galaxies, cosmology, (planets, high energy)
- Funding - Discussion with Amber
- 1st years are covered for teaching and through summer (after 1st year you need an advisor)
- GSI vs GSR in subsequent years
- check to make sure you are getting paid/tuition is paid each semester
- Talks
- lots of talks in the department
- See also schedule of department events
- GO TO COLLOQUIUM, THURSDAY LUNCHES AND GSPS! Also a good idea to go to at least one seminar (TAC, CIPS, cosmology)
- mention 1 min colloquium
- Getting set up
- *residency info* more information at https://registrar.berkeley.edu/tuition-fees-residency/residency-tuition-purposes
- new students read this and get set up page to look for resources
- in the department (cubes, building access, email, printing, scanners)
- campus resources (gym, health center, eye center, dentists, bearwalk)
- What is Berkeley Time?
- upcoming events reminder
- Set up GSI / GSR onboarding HR paperwork
- GSI orientations (Thurs 22 Aug -international, Fri 23 Aug - everyone)
- Picking a Research Advisor meeting (in a few weeks)
- Welcome Party (????)
- Fun Stuff to do in Berkeley
- Sierra Conference, Ski Trip, etc.
- Things to do in the area
- How to get around (Clipper Card including buses and BART)
- 11:30am-11:45am GSI Union with Representative
- 11:45am-12:00pm Outreach with Deepthi
- 12:00pm-12:45pm Lunch (Alex brings Cheeseboard)
- 1:00pm-3:00pm Respect is Part of Research (375 Le Conte)
- Remember to point this at BADGrads
- Give them Academic Roadmap forms